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Half check collars

  Many people believe half check collars are just a "training aid". There are many benefits in using half check collars, not related to the original purpose these collars were created for. There are many names people use for these collars, half check, semi slip, martingale... Half check collars are a type of a dog collar where the collar tightens up to a limit when pressure is added.  We often hear people say half check collars are cruel. This is simply not true, there are many benefits in using a half check collar.  A CORRECTLY sized half check collar is sized so that at it's smallest fits snuggly around the neck but does not strangle the dog.  A half check collar can be a very cheap...

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  Thinking of having a puppy join your family this summer? NOW is the time to start your research and find a good breeder.Owning a dog is a long term commitment, so make sure you have researched different breeds and breed traits. Selecting the right breed for your lifestyle ensures happy life for all. If you are looking for a mixed breed, research all breeds involved in the mix, your puppy could inherit traits from any of the breeds involved, in any combination. Don't allow yourself to believe that mixed breed puppies only inherit the good traits: Imagine the hyperactivity of a border collie with the weight of a newfoundland! It is also worth noting many breeders of the fancy...

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